11% Mandelic Serum
Say goodbye to acne and hyperpigmentation with our 11% Mandelic Serum! This alpha hydroxy acid serum is perfect for skin prone to inflamed acne, noninflamed acne, fungal folliculitis, and hyperpigmentation. With its unique blend of l-mandelic acid and l-lactic acid,...
15% Mandelic Serum by Face Reality Skincare
Say goodbye to acne and hello to glowing skin with our 15% Mandelic Serum! This alpha hydroxy acid serum is packed with the chirally correct versions of both l-mandelic acid and l-lactic acid, making it perfect for skin prone to...
5% Mandelic Serum
Say goodbye to acne and hello to glowing skin with our 5% Mandelic Serum! This alpha hydroxy acid serum is perfect for skin prone to inflamed acne, noninflamed acne, fungal folliculitis, and hyperpigmentation. With its unique blend of l-mandelic acid...
8% Mandelic Serum
Get glowing skin with our 8% Mandelic Serum! This alpha hydroxy acid serum is perfect for skin prone to acne, hyperpigmentation, and fungal folliculitis. With its unique blend of l-mandelic acid and l-lactic acid, this serum provides a gentle yet...